Realtime Telegram subscribers count

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Telegram subscribers count in real time

How many subscribers does a Telegram channel have now? With Livesubs you will always be aware of the current number of subscribers to your channel or channels you are interested in.

Want to know how many people are subscribed to your Telegram channel right now? Or wondering how fast the popularity of your competitor's channel is growing? Livesubs is a service that allows you to find out the number of subscribers in real time for any Telegram channel.

Why Livesubs

Get up-to-date data instantly. Just enter the channel nickname and you'll see the number of subscribers in seconds.

Realtime updates
You won't have to refresh the page as the current value is always on the screen.

Beautiful and customizable design
We pay attention not only to functionality but also to design. Screenshots from Livesubs always look flawless on your social media accounts! In addition, you can choose your favorite color.

Why it's important?

For channel owners

  • Growth Tracking: quickly learn which topics and content are having an impact on attracting new subscribers. This will help you adapt your strategy and increase the popularity of your channel.
  • Competitor Monitoring: compare the number of subscribers with other channels in your niche. This will help you understand your competitiveness and identify opportunities for growth.

Share screenshots with cool results with your subscribers to enjoy beautiful count together!

For any subscribers

  • Popularity Score: find out how active and interesting a channel is before you subscribe to it.
  • Watch your favorite channels: see how your favorite channels are changing in the number of subscribers.

How to use Livesubs for Telegram?

  1. Enter your channel's Telegram link or nickname (what usually comes after the @ symbol);
  2. Click the search icon;
  3. Done! Now you can see the basic information about the channel and the number of subscribers without refreshing the page!

Other questions and contacts

If something doesn't work, or you have questions/ideas about the project, you can contact our support in Telegram -

We have Telegram channel and VKontakte group. Subscribe to stay up to date with project news!